Thursday, December 20, 2007

How can you read if you dont know how it works?

How do millions of people function (arguably) well in this world without logic?

  • PIN number is redundant.

  • Creating realistic scenarios is the way to write a good book that people might actually learn something from. These idiots apparently don't understand that. The author responded with a quick lesson, though.

  • There is always something to do.

Creating displays:

  • Put the taller items in the back.
  • If you put up multiple copies (say 2) of an item (like a book), you only have to refill the display half as often!!
  • Grouping like items is efficient.
  • Standing up trade paperbacks is a bad idea.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Did you say bitch?

I must say, sometimes working in the library really is a hoot. Yesterday, a customer asked me if I went home and shouted after having to talk quietly all day. Sorry to disappoint, dear sir, but I actually talk like this all the time. That is part of the reason I started working in a library in the first place.

Today I helped an older lady who is hard of hearing. She was looking for a book that is titled "Skinny Bitch." She comes up to me and attempts to whisper that she is looking for a diet book that has something to do with "bitches." Only her whisper is quite loud and everyone in the building turned to look!